
Order through the publisher: Classics of Golf

What has been said about the book

Howard Munck – “In other sports the audience can see, perhaps hear, every play. Impossible in a golf tournament, but Young threads simultaneous doings from hole to hole, player to player, back nine to front seamlessly as if you were watching the excitement and disasters of each day’s newsmakers… With a market far larger in fans who know the course than that of generations of private club Opens, it should be an appealing seller. Why read another? Because it’s about golf and Bethpage and its well written.”

“In this book, Philip Young has captured the passion of the event. His lifetime devotion to Bethpage Black culminated in the four days of the 2002 US Open. His writings express the depth of emotion and understanding of what this tournament meant to him and thousands like him who were finally celebrated by the entire world of golf.
      “Philip Young’s understanding of the importance of the 2002 event and his play-by-play descriptions was confirmed when the USGA selected Bethpage Black – almost immediately – to host another Open, this one in 2009.
      “By reading this book, all golfers can relive the 2002 Open – but it will also enhance the experience of the next ‘People’s Open.’” – Rees Jones. 

Golf for the People: Bethpage and the Black

There are only limited numbers of this book available. Order through this website or the following may have copies:
•	www.amazon.com
•	www.barnesandnoble.com

What has been said about the book

“He knows this place more than anyone. He’s helped me determine the time frame of some of the things that happened here. I’m a lot smarter, thanks to him.” Rees Jones

John Hanc,  Newsday - “Golf for the People: Bethpage and the Black is a highly personal, slightly eccentric and thoroughly delightful 156-page scrapbook…” John Hanc from his cover story in Part II, titled “A Letter to a Golf Course”).

“It’s definitely unique… I thought the research on it was great.” Richard Cerame of the Metropolitan Golf Association.

Kiel Christiansen www.Travelgolf.com - “… the book is highly recommended for all golfers who love the game’s history.” 

Tillinghast Association - “We… can attest that Phil has researched and written the definitive history of Bethpage. This book is a great one.” http://tillinghast.net/Whatsnewbook.htm
Phil Writes...Books
Tillinghast:Creator of Golf Courses

Special Limited Edition with Silhouette Slipcase

Special Limited

Edition Cover


Golf’s Finest Hour: The Open at Bethpage Black

When in the course of the review of a book, the reviewer encourages his readers to, “Get it and read it slowly so you can enjoy a wisdom that is applicable today” (Dr. John Wagner, Cybergolf.com), immediately one recognizes that this is a special book and an author who is to be enjoyed by reading anything else he writes. Mr. Wagner wrote these words in praise of Philip Young’s biography of the great golden age golf course architect, A.W. Tillinghast.

Golden Age Research is proud to present information on the books of Philip Young; those in print, and those which soon will see the light of day:

Copies available from the Classics of Golf

What has been said about the book

“Author Philip Young has made an immense contribution to my profession and art form, namely golf course architecture...Having studied this book, I am deeply impressed.” Geoffrey S. Cornish, golf course architect

Geoff Shackelford: “Philip Young's A.W. Tillinghast, Creator of Golf Courses is the long overdue and most enjoyable biography of golf architect, writer, poet, philosopher, lovable madman and the visionary behind U.S. Open host Winged Foot.
      “Young turns up an amazing amount of information about Tillinghast's childhood and family - usually the toughest aspect of writing a biography for someone who has long since passed -- while keeping the pace brisk when taking us through Tilly's years in golf… 
      “By no means is this a glossy, all-things-wonderful portrayal of a man who clearly had flaws. Some have expressed concerns about conclusions Young reportedly drew regarding Tillinghast's more bizarre behavior (including disappearing for days at a time), many of which were remembered by his living relatives. 
      “And while Young is speculating, he handles the sensitive subject of whether Tillinghast was bi-polar with enough honesty and grace to help explain some of the man's reported mood-shifts, without ever taking away from the primary story that Young tells so artfully: the genius and fun-loving madness behind A.W. Tillinghast.” 

Golf Digest, May 2006: “Good Read… It’s a big year for Tilly: His Winged Foot West hosts the U.S. Open, and author Philip Young gives him a thorough – and loving – look in this bio…”

Dr. John Wagner, Book Critic for Cybergolf.com: 
      “Author Philip Young brings to us one of the best biographies I have read in some time… This book really shows the human side of Tilly - he was still a person with special needs. To me, Young’s prose is so real that I felt the author was Tilly's companion for years… In addition, the section on Tillinghast’s design philosophies should be read by all the people who sit on green committees. They could use these principles in making a golf course enjoyable and playable for all people, not just a select few. This book is a must for your golf library. Get it and read it slowly so you can enjoy a wisdom that is applicable today.”

 “At last we have an authoritative biography of the great golf architect Albert Warren Tillinghast. Well researched and very readable, it brings the master fully to life. Those of us who previously had only a rudimentary knowledge of Tilly, based on the classic courses he created, will marvel at the real man--his ambitions, his ideals and his struggles.”
Bob Grant, noted English golf historian, collector and publisher 

“I couldn't put it down! Riveting stuff!” 
Alena Bubniak, Managing Editor GOLFONLINE 

Dr. Michael Hurdzan:
      “Tillinghast: Creator of Golf Courses must have been a labor of love for writer Philip Young. Judging by the level of detail he brings to this first full biography of an American golf architect, Young had to have spent thousands of hours researching and documenting little-known facts about who Albert Warren Tillinghast really was.  He interviewed family members, researched club records and minutes, and reviewed many writings of the prolific ‘Tilly.’ 
      “Tillinghast is entertainingly written and presented, with many photos, illustrations and reproductions of Tillinghast's advertisements for his firm. The book itself has an elegant look, from its classic typefaces to the gold stamping and portrait of the young Tillinghast on the cover. 
      “Its virtues taken together, Tillinghast may become recognized as the definitive work on A.W.T. The book is worth the cost and the time it takes to read, and should go on the top shelf of your library.
    “I thought it quite good… Your recitation of his life events and attitudes seemed to be as close to accurate as one can get from the distance of many decades...”å
Philip W. Brown Jr., Grandson of A.W. Tillinghast

Your Golf Club Historian